Bake sale




Go to the 2022 season!

Our Community Mission

Our teams mission is to spread STEM and give back to our community. In order to do this we host events to raise funds to help us get a step closer to accomplish our goal. Most of the funds we get from the events we host go straight to the charities we choose. These event aren't specified to be only domestic, some are international which are usually STEM related. Domestic events are held to help our local community thus held face-to-face. In these domestic events we aim to inspire as many people as possible, showing how if middle schoolers can do it, they can too. We also strive to inspire the young, holding events such as bake sales to advocate for charities while giving treats at the same time. Our community outreaches contonue to constantly grow and we aspire to learn and grow even more in the years to follow.

Lemonade/Bake Sale


Clinton Watershed Cleanup
